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April 28, 2022

Non-human animals are subjects. This is relevant to social and political debate. Read more here.

Non-human animals are subjects. We examine theories and approaches in our article and point out consequences that result from this for the work of animal movements. We combine current scientific research results with humanistic and interdisciplinary findings.

So far, pathocentrism has often been the focus of the animal welfare debate. According to this understanding, non-human animals are to be considered (morally) because they are capable of suffering. Accordingly, non-human animals are subjects, but reduced to the fact that they primarily feel suffering. Protecting them therefore means protecting them from negative experiences. The fact that subjectivity is also connected with positive mental states, individual claims as well as their dignity is only gradually gaining acceptance in animal protection discourse.

Horned sheep looks directly into the camera and is surrounded by other sheep. They are standing on a snowy pasture.

For some years now, different research diciplines have been investigating the subjective experiences and actions of non-human animals. For example, scientists are investigating animal emotions. Intelligence and cognition are also increasingly in focus. Philosophical debates deal with animal dignity, culture and vulnerability, their consciousness and their personality. The extent to which nonhuman animals possess agency is only beginning to receive attention.

New research findings on the sentience of nonhuman animals do not only affect theoretical considerations, for example in animal ethics. They must lead to real consequences for the treatment of nonhuman animals. Particularly in agricultural animal husbandry, common husbandry forms and practices must be questioned. Political decisions on legal requirements must not ignore the findings.

Calf looks through plastic fence of calf box into camera. On the fence of these calf pens hang a black and an orange bucket.

With our research, which we make available here step by step, we help organizations of the animal movements to stimulate discourse in the sense of non-human animals. We develop practice-relevant food for thought and new impulses that they can use for the social and political debate on non-human animals.




More related articles will follow shortly.


In our glossary, we explain our use of language and why we do not use some words, use them differently, or just use them. In addition, technical terms are explained and sometimes illustrated graphically or pictorially.

( Glossary )